about Us

Loving God & Others In Athens, OH

We at Rolling Hills Baptist Church (RHBC) gather each week to worship our Savior Jesus Christ and fellowship with one another. Pastor John Pauley leads the congregation, preaching the truth from the holy Scriptures, while showing the love and care of a shepherd.

message from Pastor

John Pauley

May the Lord grace you with his presence as you enter the doors at RHBC. The Holy Scriptures will be presented to you plainly and boldly, I pray, as we seek each Lord's Day to renew ourselves in Jesus and His written Word. We at RHBC value turning our hearts toward the Lord regularly both in personal devotions and corporately (with other believers), forming a regular pattern of worship into our lives.
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We at RHBC also strive to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, encourage and disciple the saved and lead those who do not know their need of a Savior to Jesus. As you enter the doors you are recognized as being the guest of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ. May you be strengthened in your walk with Him after you have participated in our worship service.

Awaiting His return,
Pastor John Pauley

Listen to Past Sermons

Our Mission

As a church, our mission is to glorify Christ in all things.
As outlined in the church constitution,

The purpose of this church is to seek the salvation of lost souls, and to maintain public services for the worship of God; for the teaching and preaching of the entire Word of God, both Old and New Testaments; to train members in faithful stewardship of time, money, ability, and opportunity; to minister to all within our region, and to cooperate with other like bodies in ministering to the utmost parts of the earth.


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History of RHBC

Rolling Hills Baptist Church (originally called Rolling Hills Baptist Chapel) began in June 1964 as an extension mission of First Baptist Church of Athens, OH. Believers from the areas of Shade, Albany, and New Marshfield first met at homes until holding services at Athens Livestock Sales. The members began meeting at the present church location in October 1970, two years after the church constitution date of August 18, 1968.

RHBC Timeline

People gathered for church service outside and sitting on folding chairs

Summer 1964

Services held at homes

The first chapel service was June 7, and services were held outside at homes for a few months.

Church meeting place inside Athens Livestock Sales

Fall 1964

Church meetings begin at Athens Livestock Sales

Services were held at the Athens Livestock Sales offices on U.S. 50 until 1970.

Newspaper picture/article about building site purchase

October 1965

Land purchased for church building

The 3 1/4 acre plot on U.S. 50 near Radford Rd. was purchased with plans to build the first structure within a couple of years.

Church congregants posing for group picture

25 August 1968

Church constituted in special service

Rolling Hills Baptist Chapel constituted themselves as an official church at a service at First Baptist Church in Athens, with 38 charter members and Raymond L. Pinson as pastor.

Church members with shovels at groundbreaking ceremony

10 May 1970

Groundbreaking service held for new church building

Under the leadership of Reverend Raymond L. Pinson, construction of the original church unit began, and was completed in a few months.

Old photo of newly constructed brick church building

18 October 1970

Church building dedication service

Following the first services in the new house of worship in September, the congregation of 55 members dedicated the building in a special service.

old photo of completed church building and wing

October 1980

Church educational wing completed & dedicated

After construction commenced in April, the new wing was completed in October, which included Sunday school rooms,  fellowship hall, and kitchen.



Since 2016 John Pauley has served as pastor to congregants at RHBC. The church building continues to be a place of worship, Bible study, fellowship, and outreach to the community.

    Historical information referenced from RHBC “Church History compilation

    Interested in attending services at RHBC?

    Please view and read our Services page to learn more about service times, and what to expect at our church.

    Our Services